Hvis nogen dræber et menneske – medmindre det er som straf for overlagt mord (qatl) eller lovløshed og kaos i landet (fasad fi l’ard) – vil det være, som om han dræber hele menneskeheden.
Og hvis nogen redder/sparer et liv, vil det være, som om han redder/sparer hele menneskeheden. Vore sendebud kom til dem med klare beviser for sandheden. Alligevel fortsætter (musrifun) mange af dem med at begå overtrædelser på Jorden (Koranen 5:32).
Terrorister misbruger islam
Terrorister er fjender af islam
20. august 2016, Telquel.maroc:
Mohammed VI : « Les terroristes qui agissent au nom de l’Islam ne sont pas des musulmans »
31. marts 2016, Radio Vatican:
Islamistische Attentäter üben Betrug an unserer Religion
7. juli 2015, Muslim Council of Britain (MCB):
Prayer for Peace – interfaith iftar events
3. juli 2015, Huffington Post:
Sunnis and Shi’ites pray together for Unity after Bombing
15. maj 2015, Arab News:
Islam is against terrorism.
22. februar 2015, Arab News:
Grand mufti: Fighting terror is Islamic Duty
16. februar 2015, moroccoworldnews:
Morocco Condemns Terrorist Attack Against Denmark
16. februar 2015. Kristeligt Dagblad:
Muslimske organisationer tager afstand fra weekendens angreb
15. februar, sameksistens.dk:
Muslimer og kristne opfordrer til sammenhold efter skudangreb i København
15. januar 2015, ARAB NEWS:
Muslim World questions logic behind Charlie antics
13. januar 2015, Kristeligt Dagblad:
Erik Bjergager: Derfor har vi ikke trykt de franske tegninger
13. januar 2015, Kristeligt Dagblad:
Erling Tiedemann: Ytringsfriheden efter Charlie Hebdo
13. januar 2015, ARAB NEWS:
Former Grand Mosque imam denounces Paris attacks
12. januar 2015, oumma.com:
Lettre de Luc Besson à l’attention de ses frères musulmans
11. januar 2015, Morocco World News:
Reza Aslan: Those who do not hear Muslim condemnation are not listening
10. januar 2015, Kristeligt Dagblad:
Nu må det være slut med blind muslimsk lydighed
7. januar 2015, MoroccoWorld News
Howard Dean: Don’t call Paris Attackers “Muslim Terrorists”
10.januar 2015, Politiken.dk:
Europas muslimer blev også angrebet i onsdags
10.januar 2015, Politiken.dk:
Terrorangrebet er et overgreb på vores tro
10. januar 2015, oumma.com:
“Ne mélangez pas extrémistes et musulmans!”
9. januar 2015, La Grande Mosquée de Paris:
Dalil Boubakeur: Dénonciation du Terrorisme
9. januar 2015, oumma.com:
Francois Hollande: “Ceux qui ont commis ces actes terroristes n’ont rien à voir avec la religion musulmane.”
9. januar 2015, Morocco World News:
Sit-ins in Solidarity with Charlie Hebdo held in Morocco
Morocco’s Al Adl Wal Ihsan Condems Charlie Hebdo’s Attacks
9. januar 2015, TELQUEL:
Des centaines de Marocains au sit-in de deuil et de solidarité avec Charlie Hebdo
9. januar 2015, Kristeligt Dagblad:
Muslimer ved fredagsbøn i Paris: Islam tages som gidsel
9. januar 2015, VOX.com:
Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It’s bigoted and Islamophobic
8. januar 2015, Ritzau:
PEN: Ytringsfriheden er under pres verden over
8. januar 2015:
Jan Øberg: Vi er alle Charlie: Er dén historie nu så enkel?
8. januar 2015, mejless.com:
Charlie Hebdo: Mustapha Ourad, algérien, victime de la tuerie
8. januar 2015, TELQUEL Maroc:
Charlie Hebdo: Plusieurs sit-in de solidarité organisés au Maroc
8. januar 2015, Kristeligt Dagblad:
En række muslimske grupperinger over hele verden, herunder Danmark, vender sig mod drabene
8. januar 2015, TelQuel Maroc:
Mohammed VI et Abdelilah Benkirane condamnent l’attentat contre Charlie Hebdo
8. januar 2015, oumma.com:
L’Union des Mosquées de France condamn un attentat terroriste abominable et barbare
7. januar 2015, islam.de:
Zentralrat der Muslime Verurteilt Anschlag in Paris
7. januar 2015, Tariq Ramadan:
Paris Attack: A pure betrayel of our religion and our principles
7. januar 2015, CFCM:
Condamnation de l’attentat contre Charlie Hebdo
28. december 2014, sameksistens.dk:
Mindeceremoni: They went to school, but never came back
22. december 2014. Sameksistens.dk:
En lille gruppe yderligtgående dominerer mediebilledet af muslimer i DK
19. december 2014, ARAB NEWS:
Top Saudi scholars rap massacre in Peshawar
19. december 2014, Arab News:
Violence has no place in Islam
6. december 2014. Morocco World News:
Al-Azhar accuses Islamic State of Barbarism, Distortion of islam.
22. oktober 2014, OPINION.dk:
Fethullah Gülen fordømmer IS’ grusomheder
30. september 2014, Grande Mosquée de Paris:
Nous, musulmans de France, disons halte à la Barberie
25. september 2014, religion.dk:
Danske muslimer bør tage afstand til Islamisk Stat
25. september 2014, La Grande Mosquée de Paris:
Non à l’Instrumntalisation de l’Isla
20. september 2014, moroccoworldnews.com
19. september 2014, islam.de:
Ansprache – Friedensveranstaltung nach Freitagsgebet
17. september 2014, Information:
2000 tyske moskeer inviterer til åbent hus i kamp mod IS
17. september 2014 oumma.com:
Mosquées et associations musulmanes de France condamnent les actions criminelles et barbares de “l´´etat islamique”.
15. september 2014 oumma.com:
Le Grand Mufti d’Australie alerte les jeunes du danger des fatwas en ligne idéalisant l’État Islamique
11. september 2014, Politiken:
Vis din foragt for IS – mød frem til demonstration
9. september 2014, Politiken:
Muslimske organisationer arrangerer demonstration mod IS
8. september 2014, Qantara.de:
Leading British Muslims have issued a fatwa against the terrorist group IS
8. september 2014, oumma com:
Le grand mufti d’Arabie Saoudite appelle les musulmans à lutter contre l’État Islamique en Irak et au Levant
5. september 2014, Huffington Post:
There is no such thing as The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
3. september 2014, oumma.com:
Appel d’un imam à la paix entre les hommes
1. september 2014, oumma.com:
Des imams britanniques émettent une fatwa contre les “djihadistes” de l’état islamique
31. august 2014, Arab News:
King Abdullah urges speedy global action against terrorists
27. august 2014, mcb.org:
British Muslims and Jews Call for Peace, Wisdom and hope over conflict in Israel and Palestine
26. august 2014, religion.dk:
Dansk muslim: IS har taget vores religion som gidsel
26. august 2014, oumma com:
En canadisk muslimsk leder sultestrejker for at protestere imod IS
22. august 2014, islam.de:
Warmer empfang in der Wuppertaler Synagoge
21. august 2014, CNN:
Imam Feisal speaks out against ISIS
21. august 2014, oumma.com:
Les musulmans condamnent la mort atroce du journaliste James Foley
20. august 2014, mcb.org:
Not in our Name: British Muslims condemn the Barbary of ISIS
20. august 2014, ARAB NEWS:
Grand Mufti: Terrorism has no place in Islam
19.maj 2014: Grande Mosquée de Paris:
Dalil Boubakeur: Boko Haram har taget islam som gidsel – “de burde skamme sig over at retfærdiggøre deres infame handlinger religiøst.”
16. maj 2014: The Weekly Standard:
“Clearly, we need to make sure Islam is not confused with some of these horrible terrorist acts that have been and continue to be perpetrated by terrorists groups.”
12. maj 2014: Dean Obeidallah:
The Boko Haram terrorists are not islamic
11. maj 2014: OIC chief: Boko Haram kidnappings barbaric, inhumane.
“Such groups not only disavow their islam, but also their humanity.”
9. maj 2014: Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti says Boko Haram smears Islam
“These groups are not on the right path because Islam is against kidnapping, killing and aggression. Marrying kidnapped girls is not permitted.”
8. maj 2014: Muslim scholars condemn Boko Haram’s ‘henious’ acts
“The crime and other crimes committed by the likes of these extremist organizations contradicts all humanitarian principles and moral values and violates the provisions of the Qur’an and Sunnah.”
8. maj 2014: “Boko Haram has brought shame to the Muslim nation …
this group or its likes have nothing to do with Islam.”
7. maj 2014: Al-Azhar demands Boko Haram free abducted girls
“Harming the girls completely contradicts the teachings of Islam and its tolerant principles.”
5. maj 2014: huffingtonpost.com
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf: “Everything that Boko Haram is doing — wanton killing of civilians, capturing and selling girls, denying that women should have an education — is in stark violation of Islamic theology and law … Boko Haram has violated Islam. What it is doing is fundamentally against what Islam preaches. Selling women? Where is that endorsed in the Quran? Nowhere. Boko Haram’s actions are not religious; they are terroristic. They are misusing religion as a way to grab power. Their claim that they are in compliance eith Islam is absolutely a lie.”
15. april 2014, Huffingtonpost.com:
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf: Marathon Bombing Anniversary demands interfaith response
“Any violence that is committed in the name of religion comes from extremists. These people masque their political or power agendas in false religious doctrine. We must make that distinction – between religion and extremists – and combat the extremists.”