– filosof og befrielsesteolog
- Reason, Freedom and Democracy in Islam. Essential Writings of Abdolkarim Soroush. Oxford University Press 2000.
- Reason and Freedom in Islamic Thought (PDF)
- Reason, Freedom and Democracy in Islam (video)
- The Evolution and Devolution of Religious Knowledge i KURZMANN 1998, 244-251.
- Islamic Democracy and Islamic Governance
- Responsibilities of Muslim Intellectuals in the 21st Century
- Truth, Reason, Salvation
Om Abdolkarim Soroushs liv og tænkning:
- Abdolkarim Soroush hjemmeside
- Islam kan være udogmatisk Politiken 19. marts 2004.
- Det humane og demokrati i BEKTOVIC 2012, 177-188.
- Peace with Islam
- For an Open Interpretation of the Koran
- Abdolkarim Soroush and Islamic liberation Theology
© Aminah Tønnsen, september 2016